Sunday, October 25, 2009

O Rings

I have just discovered O Rings. I was looking for something else in the plumbing department and found the O rings. They come in a lot of different sizes and are black rubber. Perfect for a necklace I have been wanting to make. After I made my necklace, I asked my husband if he liked it and knew what it was made from. He didn't guess right away so I told him. Then, like a guy, he told me he had a whole box of O rings in the shed. He had bought them months ago for "just in case". Well, even though it was after 10pm and dark out, I grabbed a flashlight and headed to the shed. It was creepy but I wanted those O rings! I made a lot of noise when I opened the door to the shed to let any creatures know I was coming in, mice. I found the box of O rings and promptly left. When I opened the box of O rings it was like opening a little treasure box! Inside were every size of O rings I needed! Oh what a find. And to think my husband had just tucked them away in his tool box! I have attached a picture of my first necklace and will be adding this and more to my Etsy shop

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